2016 Annual Membership Meeting
MAY 7, 2016
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at the Camano Chapel at
by Steve Hughes, President
Attendees: Board Members: Steve Hughes,
Keggan, Secretary
Foss, Treasure
Anderson, Construction
Adamson, Water
McVay, Landscape
Dannerbeck, Beach
Absent: Jeanne
Boehm, Vice President
Proof of notice of this meeting was mailed to RPCC
Membership on April 4, 2016, containing the following: Meeting Notice, Agenda
for meeting, Proposed Budget and Balance Sheet.
Secretary Report:
Minutes from the 2015 Annual Meeting were read.
A motion was made to accept the minutes as read, motion was seconded and approved.
Treasurers Report:
Copies of the RPCC Income Statement,
Cash Flow and Budget for 2013 thru 2018 and the Balance Sheet December 31, 2015
and the 2017 proposed budget were mailed to all community members. There are currently
ten homeowner dues outstanding. Because the funds for the water project came from
federal dollars, via the state, an outside audit for 2015 was required. No problems or
issues were found. Larry reviewed the financial statements and the 2017 budget.
A motion was made to approve the RPCC 2017 budget, it was seconded and approved.
A big thank you to Bill Schwalm and Dennis Anderson for the fixing up the Clubhouse at well number two.
Members were informed that the monthly board meetings will take place there going forward.
Status of construction projects: 823 Rocky Point Drive, exterior finished; 975 Rocky
Point Drive, complete; 731 Sandstone, complete; 704 Flintstone, remodel complete;
921 Rocky Point Drive, planning stage for new garage. Dennis reminded the group
that the CCR’s are on the website and the construction chair must be contacted
regarding any new construction or remodels.
Jesse Allen reports that permit approvals
are in process and should be finished this summer with the construction starting in November.
Total project budget is $32,000 of which $6,800 was paid up front. A GeoTech survey needs to
be done above the pilings due to slides in the past, Jesse is working on that.
Peter Dannerbeck has keys to the beach gate if anyone needs one.
A complaint was received regarding noxious
weeds and over-height trees on the vacant lot on Gladstone. Kent reviewed the complaint process,
a written complaint to the BOD is required to start the process. A big thank you to Dwaine Howe
for mowing the community lot next door to his lot
All quiet, no water problems. Water quality is checked
monthly by King Water. Larrie says we have lots of water but reminds everyone to conserve. Annual
household allocation, determined by the state, is 164,000 gallons. Our system has
two wells, each in a separate aquifer.
Election of Directors: A motion was made to reelect the in place Board members.
The motion was seconded and approved.
Old Business:
Steve explained the situation with Bayshore Terrace:
there are three items: 1) improperly installed sewer line next to RPCC water lines,
2) illegal sewer lines on Blackberry Lane and 3) undocumented sewer lines.
Steve is working with the Bayshore attorney regarding money owed to RPCC. There were three
change orders on the water project totaling $11,224. A motion was made to pursue collecting
the change order costs and separately pursue the issues with illegal and undocumented sewer lines.
The motion was seconded and approved.
New Business:
A member requested that the monthly minutes be put on the website. After a brief
discussion, it was decided that members who want the monthly minutes could
request them and they would be emailed to them. There was also a request to send
out a notice in July to remind members to conserve on water. Steve said this could
be done.
Fire Chief Michael Schick arrived to speak to the members regarding services, and
costs of those services, that the fire department provides to residents of Camano
Island. He also told the members that the RPCC fire prevention system is the poster
system for the island. His presentation lasted about 20 minutes.
The RPCC annual meeting was adjourned at 11:45am
Respectfully Submitted,
Alex Keggan, Secretary