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MAY 7, 2011

Attendees: Board Members; Don Lamb, Peter Dannerbeck, Lee Taylor, Steve Hughes, Larry Foss, Jerry Sherrod, Paul Savoie and members representing 27 properties whithin RPCC (sign in sheet).

Guest: Clive Defty of King Water Company

Meeting called to order at 10:05 AM by President Don Lamb

Communications: Don and the Board have set up a telephone system for notifying all members of any emergency situation that arise in the community, and also to notify members of upcoming meeting and etc..

Secretary Report: Minutes for May 1,2010 were read by acting Secretary, Paul Savoie. It was moved, seconded and passed to approve the minutes as read.

Treasurer Report: Copies of the RPCC Income Statement, Cash Flow and Budget for 2008 thru 2015 and the RPCC Balance Sheet December 31, 2010 were provided to all attendees. Larry elaborated on dues delinquencies. A question was raised about how delinquencies are handled and Larry pointed out there is a procedure in the by-laws for handling this problem. Many of our current delinquencies are due to bankruptcies and will probably be on the books until the properties are sold. Treasurer's Report was Moved/Seconded/Approved.

Beach report: Peter reported there were no unauthorized entries to our beach reported. Questions on if beach fires are allowed: it was decided that we do not allow beach fires. This decision conforms to other common beaches and to the State Park beach area. It was suggest that we place signs regarding fires and litter.

Construction Committee: The only construction project was at 975 West Camano and the home has been completed. Steve brought to our attention the proposed construction of 84 residential units in Maple Grove. He stated that the water supply for this subdivision will come from the Camano Heights Well. It was the general consensus of the membership that we should be involved in supporting the Maple Grove committee that is very concerned about increased ground water. The main concern is mud slides that could do damage to their homes. Further the public road leading to the boat launch could be jeopardized. A motion was made to dedicate $10,000 in funds to support the MG citizens group. The motion was later tabled. The suggestion was made that members should support this effort on an individual basis.

Landscape Committee: Lee stated that there were not issues outside of those properties that are in foreclosure or bankruptcy. When the properties change hands we will be able to address the landscape problems. Lee brought up the subject of RPCC Covenants stating that the existing covenants will automatically renew on January 1,2012 and remain in effect for another 10 years unless a committee makes the effort to make any changes deemed necessary and submits those changes to the General Membership for approval. Approval requires that seventy-five (75) % of the members approve any revisions.

Water Report: Jerry, Don and Clive presented the current problems with our water delivery systems and the effort we are making to upgrade our pipes, valves and fire hydrants. It was the rupture of a pipe on Sept 18, 2010 that made us more aware of the necessity to take action on this community problem.

It was noted:

  1. Some of the piping is 40 to 50 years old.
  2. We have three types of piping, AC, Galvanized steel, and PVC
  3. We have differing sized; 2", 4" and 6"
  4. We do not have valves in the right places for controlling the flow when we experience a problem.
  5. Hydrants. The fire on Gladstone made us realize the need for more hydrants.

The advice of our Water Manager is that the AC and Galvanized need immediately replacement and the PVC can wait. Professional engineering is needed to determine the exact plan.

A motion to provide funds to hire an engineering firm to do a in depth study of just how we should proceed was set at $17,000. The motion was approved.

Water Conservation: Supreme Court has ruled that all public water systems must have a water conservation program per WUE. To conform to this regulation we must;

  1. Must have a program to reduce water usage.
  2. Our goal will be 3% over the next 5 years
  3. We will read meters quarterly
  4. A statement of water usage will be sent to each home in the RPCC
  5. We will install a water level device in our well to constantly measure the level of our aquafir.

Elections: Water Committee-Jim and Larrie Adamson. Welcome and congratulations
                  Secretary-Position still open. We welcome any member to fill this position.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15PM

Respectfully submitted,

Paul Savoie VP and Acting Secretary

Rocky Point Community Club