MAY 1, 2010
Attendees: Board Members; Don Lamb, Peter Dannerbeck, Lee Taylor, Steve Hughes, Chuck Schufreider and members representing 17 properties within RPCC. (Sign-in sheet in file)
The meeting was called to order at 10:05 AM by President Don Lamb
Secretary Report: Moved, Seconded, Passed (M/S/P) to approve the 2009 Annual Meeting minutes as presented.
Treasurer Report: Copies of the RPCC Income Statement, Cash Flow and Budget
2008 to 2014 were provided to all attendees. Possible capital expenditures in
the future would involve replacement of old water lines. Nothing definitive is
currently planned. Members were assured that the state mandated reserve funds
are on hand. There are no plans to increase the dues or implement a special
assessment at this time. M/S/P to approve the budget as presented.
Audit Report: Laura Addi presented the results of the recent audit of RPCC
finances. The report stated that "The financial affairs of the club are being
managed responsibly and accurately. The records are maintained in an organized
manner and were readily available." M/S/P to approve the Audit Report.
Beach Committee: Peter noted that the gate to the beach was recently repaired and the beach is ready for use. Member were advised to report any beach misuse or illegal activity to the Island County Sheriffs Office. In that this is a private beach, unauthorized use by non-members is not allowed and should be reported. i.e. clamming, crabbing smelting etc.
Construction Committee: Steve noted that the house at 975 West Camano Drive will be demolished and replaced in the near future. This is the first new construction in the past few years.
Landscape Committee: Lee reported that outstanding landscape issues remain
an a few foreclosed properties. Member complaints and concerns on potential
landscape and CC&R violations are to be directed to the board in writing. CC&R
and Landscape policies are defined on the RPCC website. Lee requested assistance with updating the
website. New member Jim Knighten volunteered to lend his html expertise to the
Water Report: The recently completed pump house project was explained. The following items were identified.
- The old pressure tank, two booster pumps and associated piping have been removed.
- Installation of new electrical wiring and pump control panels. The old wiring has been disconnected. Wiring to the meeting room has been replaced to conform to code.
- New suction line and pressure system line were installed. Pressure and bacterial testing have been completed satisfactorily.
- 20KW generator installed to provide water pressure during power outages. (Automatic start) Note: The generator is scheduled to run each Tuesday at 11:00 for testing purposes.
- The project was completed under budget!
New Business: Kathy Dannerbeck presented the new RPCC Directory to the
membership. The directory was produced by Kathy and Peter based on results of a
survey of RPCC membership. The directory lists members alphabetically and
separately by street in order that members can become acquainted with their
neighbors. To that end, Kathy called for a committee that would work on
revitalizing the Welcome Committee and a membership wide summer bar-b-q
function. Several volunteers came forward to assist.
Elections: Vic Henry and Lee Taylor have completed their terms on the Board.
Paul Savoie has been nominated to run for Vic's position and Lee agreed to run
for another term. M/S/P to elect Paul Savoie and Lee Taylor for a two year term
on the board.
Member Comments:
- It was suggested that the RPCC board consider transferring club funds to a locally owned bank. The board will consider this issue at the next meeting.
- It was noted that there was a recent break-in in the community. Members were reminded to lock doors and remain vigilant. Report suspicious activity to the Sheriffs office.
- Concern that all Board members were not present at the annual meeting was expressed. It was noted that emergent family issues precluded individual board members from attending.
- Board members were thanked for their service.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 AM.
Respectfully submitted, Chuck Schufreider, Secretary