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Rocky Point Community Club
Annual Meeting Minutes
May 2, 2009

Board Members Present: Vic Henry, Steve Hughes, Chuck Schufreider

Board Members absent: Larry Foss, Lee Taylor (Excused)

Members Present: 31 homeowner members representing 21 member shares. Accordingly, a quorum was present.

The meeting was called to order at 10:10 AM by Interim President Vic Henry.

Secretary Report: Chuck Schufreider noted that copies of the 2008 Annual Meeting Minutes were mailed to all members and copies were made available to all attendees upon sign-in. M/S/P to approve the minutes as presented.

Treasurers Report: Chuck Schufreider called attention the past years Financial Statement and 2010 Projected Budget that was mailed to all members with the meeting notice. It was pointed out that the RPCC Board practice of budgeting $35,000.00 per year for capital improvements has proven to be a sound fiscal policy. Construction of the new tank/reservoir in 2008 was accomplished within budget projections. In addition, the current balance of $229,111.06 in RPCC accounts should be sufficient to complete planned 2009 well upgrades. M/S/P to approve the Treasurers Report and the 2009-10 annual budget.

Audit Report: Laura Addi, Audit Committee presented the Audit Report for the 2008 fiscal year which concluded that "the community funds entrusted to the Board are being managed responsibly and documentation is accurate and organized." Laura Addi and Gail Barrett were thanked for their participation on the Audit Committee. M/S/P to approve the Audit Report.

Construction Committee: Steve Hughes reported that there is no ongoing or planned construction activity in process. He noted that there were several water runoff problems occurring that were being addressed by some members on their own. Such problems should also be brought to the attention of the County. The County Health Department should be notified if septic system problems occur. Steve proposed that the Board review the existing CC&R's to see if water runoff and septic drainage issues need addressing when the CC&R's are reviewed in 2010.

Steve reported that 3.8 acres are for sale just outside RPCC boundaries. Accordingly, RPCC CC&R's would not apply to any eventual development. Since there is no water available for the parcel, RPCC might be in a position to exchange water for extension of RPCC CC&R's into that area. Another idea advanced was to have RPCC look into purchasing the parcel although the price may possibly be prohibitive. The Board members will continue to monitor this situation.

Landscape Committee: Lee Taylor, Landscape Committee Chairman is in Texas and will resume his duties upon his return shortly.

Beach Committee: This position is open. The need for a new sign was noted and members were encouraged to use the beach, clean up after themselves and report any unlawful activities to the proper authorities. Beach Keys and Membership cards are available at the Well House. Until there is a new Beach Chairman, keys can be picked up during RPCC Board Meetings at 7:00 the fourth Tuesday of each month.

General Business: Vic Henry outlined the new rules for inspecting home septic systems. Alternative and pressure systems will have to be inspected yearly by a certified inspector beginning this summer. Conventional systems need to be inspected every three years by the homeowner if they have attended Island County Health Dept. training. This requirement begins in 2010.

Neighborhood Watch: Don Smith reminded people to be aware of strange cars, unknown people and the like. Report any suspicious behaviors to the Sheriffs office. He noted that methamphetamine production on the Island has been substantially reduced.

Water System Report: Board members reported on past and future construction projects with respect to the water system.

  1. The new tank was installed on budget and provides plenty of water for users.
  2. 2009 Construction plans include; replacing the well pumps with more efficient models, rewiring the well electrical system so it conforms to electrical code and, installation of an automatic start generator so water pressure can maintained during power outages. Final costs for the project are being prepared and members will be notified of the amount when plans are finalized. The Board is confident that there are adequate funds in the accounts to accomplish the planned upgrades.
  3. Last Fall RPCC contracted with King Water to serve as our service provider; i.e. reading meters, performing required biological and chemical tests, and facilitating any necessary repairs.
  4. The board is cognizant of the fact that our 4800 feet of water mains will need to be replaced at some time in the future. That eventuality is not considered imminent. We will continue to monitor the system performance to ensure an adequate and safe water supply to members.

Member Questions and Comments:

  1. Duane Howe was commended for volunteering to mow the RPCC lot next to his house.
  2. There was a suggestion to provide a directory of residents so members could keep in touch with each other, plan activities, etc. The Board will consider this request and determine how best to provide names, phone numbers, and maybe e-mail addresses for those members willing to have their information published. The RPCC website ( ) might be a good vehicle for such a list. Members will be given the opportunity to opt-in to such a listing.
  3. A question was asked regarding the number of vehicles that may be parked on ones property.
    Answer: One for each licensed driver plus one living in the household. RPCC has no control over the number of vehicles, boats, trailers etc parked on the County right-of-way.
  4. A question was asked what could be done to clean-up landscaping on homes in foreclosure.
    Answer: The board has notified the lending institutions that landscaping on foreclosed properties needs to be maintained. We have not had any positive responses. One suggestion from the membership was to "call Jesse" from King 5 Television.

Election of Board Members: The following names were nominated for election to the RPCC Board for a Two Year Term.

  • Peter Dannerbeck-Beach Chairman
  • Larry Foss-Treasurer
  • Steve Hughes-Construction Chairman
  • Don Lamb- Vice President
  • Chuck Schufreider-Secretary
  • Jerry Sherrid-Water Chairman

M/S/P to elect the nominated individuals to the Rocky Point Community Club Board of Directors.

Vic Henry-Interim President and Lee Taylor-Landscape Chairman have one more year in their term and will remain on the Board.

A committee was appointed to nominate future Board members. The committee will consist of one current Board member along with Jeanne Hay and Leslie Hughes. Members attending the annual meeting were thanked for their participation and encouraged to attend Board meetings when they wish. Meetings are open to all members and are held in the meeting shed just west of the Water tanks at 7:00 PM on the last Tuesday of the month.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Chuck Schufreider, Secretary

Rocky Point Community Club