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MAY 5, 2012

Call to Order:    Meeting was called to order at 9:05 am by Steve Hughes, for Don Lamb President.

Attendees:        Board Members, Larrie Adamson, Peter Dannerbeck, Jeanne Hay, Steve Hughes, Larry Foss and Lee Taylor.

Absent:             Don Lamb, Paul Savoie

Secretary Report:  Jeanne Hay read the minutes of the last meeting as well as the minutes for the Special Meeting of October 1, 2011. It was moved, seconded, and passed to approve the minutes as read.

Treasurer Report:  Copies of the RPCC Income Statement, Cash Flow and Budget for 2009 thru 2016 and the Balance Sheet December 31, 2011 were provided to all attendees. Larry elaborated on dues and delinquencies. A question was raised about how delinquencies are handled and Larry pointed out there is a procedure in the by-laws for handling this problem. Many of the current delinquencies are due to bankruptcies and will probably be on the books until the properties are sold. The Treasure's report was Moved/Seconded/Approved.

Beach Committee:  Peter reported there was a sink hole by the bench and he will continue to monitor for any new problems. The slide area has been removed and cleaned up. The homeowner will contact an arborist and an engineer to get advice on how to proceed with the problem. The Board approved to pay up to $1000.00 to help with the costs.

Construction Committee:  Steve reported there is no new construction or remodels or building permits.

Landscape Committee:  Lee reported that the existing RPCC covenants will remain in place for the next 10 years. The opportunity to revise them expired December 31, 2011.
(minutes for Landscape report was corrected by Lee Taylor.)

Water Committee:  Larrie reported the State Loan that was applied for by RPCC was denied. She suggested we apply for a USDA loan at a 2.2% interest rate. The USDA loan would probably be for 40 years. There were questions about a contractor being chosen for the project. A Special Meeting will be held to pick a contractor for the Water Project. There was considerable discussion on the amount of usage per homeowner and a tiered system for billing was suggested and will be discussed at the next General Meeting, May of 2013.

Old Business:  The Maple Grove Project has been approved but no work has begun. The water will come from Jeff Holback's property. There will be no problem with the pond to the RPCC water tanks.

New Business:  A motion was made to keep the current officers of the Board for another year, it was seconded and passed.

Adjournment:  Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 am.

Respectfully submitted,

Jeanne Hay, Secretary

Rocky Point Community Club