2014 Annual Membership Meeting
MAY 3, 2014
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 10:05am by President Steve Hughes.
Attendees: Board Members, Steve Hughes, Larry Foss, Jeanne Hay,
Peter Dannerbeck, Kent McVay, Dennis Anderson and Larrie Adamson.
Secretary Report: Jeanne Hay read the minutes of the last meeting. Sue Hunt moved to approve the minutes,
Jerry Hunt seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved..
Introduction for Candidates for the Board of Directors: Steve explained that Paul Savoie has resigned his position as Vice President and thanked him for his many years of service to the Board. The call was put out to the membership at this time to give any potential members an opportunity to consider volunteering during the meeting.
Treasures Report: Copies of the RPCC Income Statement, Cash Flow and Budget for 2011 thru 2017 and the Balance Sheet December 31, 2013 and the 2015 proposed budget were provided to all attendees. Larry thanked the membership on the prompt payment of their dues and stated that there are 8 to 10 outstanding homeowners at this time, but feels confident that the outstanding dues will be paid by the deadline date of June 30, 2014. Larry explained repayment obligations for the water project to the Washington Revolving Fund, and that $500.00 of the $600.00 dues be set aside in a separate account for principal and interest payments on an annual basis. These funds are for the operation of the community to cover insurance, lights, beach repairs and maintenance of the water system. Explaining the reserves, amounting to about $18,000.00 per year, is a cushion in order to not have to increase dues in the near future. Larry explained how different aspects of the loan repayment will fall into place and that the loan repayment will begin in 2016 of principal and interest of about $100,000.00 per year. Lee Taylor motioned to approve the RPCC budget for 2015, Larrie Adamson seconded the motion, and the motion was passed.
Beach Committee: Peter explained the work done at the beach in the past year. How the sinkhole was repaired, and cement was poured at the base of the pylons, next to the beach, to avoid erosion. The old pylons in question are stable at this time, and the Board decided the pylons will be addressed after the Water Project is complete. There was a question of fires on the beach. Peter explained his conversations with the Fire Department and was told that there should be an authorized Fire Pit to have a fire on the beach, but that no one would probably object if someone had a fire without a permit. Peter also stressed that having a fire on the beach might not be in the best interest of the community.
Construction Committee: Dennis reported that the home under construction at 668 Gladstone is complete. There is also another new home under construction at 975 West Camano Drive. Dennis stressed to membership the need to be familiar with the RPCC CC and R’s before constructing any fences, sheds, greenhouses etc. to avoid any possible problems of being out of compliance of the RPCC CC and R’s.
Landscape Committee: Kent reported there are 3 ongoing issues with landscape at this time. Kent explained how the landscape in the community has matured and has not been enforced per the RPCC CC and R’s. Kent asked the membership how they wanted to proceed on out of compliance properties. Do the homeowners want compliance addressed lot by lot, or continue with a written complaint to the Board on out of compliance properties. There was discussion from the membership addressing trees and shrubs out of compliance, parking of vehicles on road easements, and Kent explained that it takes 75% participation from the community to change the RPCC CC and R’s. Steve stressed to the membership the enormity of the Water Project and understands the community’s concerns, but suggested that these issues be addressed at the 2015 annual RPCC meeting. It was suggested that the Board maintain the existing process of addressing each complaint individually.
Water Committee: Larrie reported RPCC was awarded the Drinking Water State Revolving Water Loan at a 1.5% interest rate for 22 years. The contract was awarded to Kevin Carman of Oak Harbor. Bill Schwalm was introduced and will be on site daily working with the contractor, as the inspector, saving RPCC approximately $35,000.00 to $40,000.00. Construction on the Water Project will begin approximately May 19, 2014 to October 31, 2014. Larrie explained that 24 hours is the longest homeowners could be without water, but most probably only 2 to 4 hours.
Carl Garrison of Garrison Engineering was introduced to the membership and emphasized how pleased he is with the project and feels very comfortable with a budget of $1,160,000.00. Funds are in place for repayment of the loan due to the 2013 increase in Homeowner Dues. Carl explained the pipe to be used is High Density Polyethylene or HDPE, Class 200 and that staging of the pipe will be on the 3 community lots where there will be fusing of pipe 60 to 80 feet at a time before placed into trenches. Trenches will be buried daily or a metal plate will be put in place over trenches daily as needed. Other contractor components of the project will be installing a generator, pumps in the pump house, and fire hydrants. One question from the membership was concerning digging on homeowner’s property, possibly running into other utilities. Carl assured the membership that there will be a double locater system before any digging. Another concern was contractor hitting existing utilities on homeowner’s property. Carl assured the membership that the contractor is responsible for any spray paint marked utilities that he might hit. Any unmarked utilities that could be hit are the responsibility of RPCC. Any unmarked homeowner utilities located in the easement are the responsibility of the homeowner if hit. Carl did assure the homeowners that there are contingencies in place should this happen. Overages were also a concern, but Carl feels very confident that this project is quite clear cut and any obstacles can be handled by the fact that the HDPE pipe is very pliable, so a possible obstacle could be gone around with no problem. Steve assured the membership saying the new pipe will go directly over the old pipe so chances of a major obstacle are unlikely. Water Meters were also discussed. All homeowners will receive new meters, but most meter boxes will be reused. And most homeowner’s pipe from meter to house will remain the same. Homeowners who will need meter relocation and new pipe, which will be a one inch polyethylene pipe, have been contacted by Larrie. Carl and Sebastian will work closely with Bill on the project.
Election of Directors: Steve announced that there is a vacancy for the Vice President position on the RPCC Board of Directors and called for any nominations. Jeanne Hay nominated Jeanne Boehm, Paul Savoie seconded the nomination and it was approved.
Old Business: There was no old business.
New Business: A new gate for the RPCC beach has been donated by Fred Folio. On behalf of the community, Steve thanked Fred. Peter will be in charge of installation of the new gate. The existing lock will be used so no new keys are required.
Linda Taylor expressed to the membership that she wants someone else to take over the RPCC website. There were no immediate volunteers.
The RPCC annual meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.
Post Meeting: The Post meeting was called to order at 11:25 AM by Steve Hughes, President. The Board voted to accept Jeanne Boehm as the new Vice President. Post meeting was adjourned at 11:26 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Hay, Secretary