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Rocky Point Community Club
Annual Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2008

Board Members Present: Eddie Black, Lenny Franzese, Chuck Schufreider, Larry Foss, Steve Hughes, Vic Henry

Board Members Absent: Tom Williamson

Members Present: Homeowner members representing 26 homes. (See attached membership list. A quorum was present.)

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM by President Eddie Black.

Secretary Report: Chuck Schufreider read the minutes of the May 5, 2007 Annual Meeting minutes. M/S/P to approve the minutes as read. (M/S/P = motion made, seconded, and passed)

Treasurers Report: Larry Foss presented the Treasurers report that was sent out with the annual meeting notice. Discussion ensued relative to the question about whether the dues increase from $200.00 to $300.00 had a 5 year limit. The board will check on this issue. It was noted that there is no dues increase contemplated in the foreseeable future. The budget plan through 2011 should take care of anticipated capital expenditures and operations through that period. M/S/P to approve the Treasurers Report and Budget as presented.

Beach Report: Eddie presented the Beach Committee report for Tom noting that there had been a slide on the property next to the beach and that the owner had cleaned it up. The RPCC Board is working with the owner to determine what mitigation steps might be necessary to eliminate future slides. It was noted that drawings of the latest beach property survey are in the RPCC safe deposit box. M/S/P to approve the Beach Report.

Construction Report: Steve related that the four houses under construction last year have been completed and are in accordance CC&R's. M/S/P to approve the Construction Report.

Landscape Report: In the absence of a Landscape Committee board member there was a general discussion of landscape issues. Chet McHugh reminded the board that the landscape person is responsible for making sure the mowing is completed on a regular basis. Following are issues that were discussed.

  1. Can members store RV's on RPCC property? This was met with polite but emphatic objection by property owners that adjoin RPCC property. It was the consensus that RPCC property is not to be used for RV or other vehicle parking.
  2. Is there a limit on the number of vehicles that can be parked on a persons' property? CC&R's allow one vehicle per licensed driver plus one on a person's property.
  3. What about parking on the County right of way? Short term parking is allowed but long term storage restrictions may be imposed by the County. The Board will continue to contact members to ensure that mowing and trees are in compliance with CC&R's. Homeowners noting violations should notify the Board. M/S/P to accept the Landscape Report.

Water Report: Lenny provided an overview of construction and planned water system operations. The new tank construction project is complete, including plantings required by the County. The Board is looking at options for the old tank which include; removing it, modifying it so that it could be used by the fire department as a source of water, or, letting it stay like it is. A member suggested that it might be painted to be less obtrusive. Leaks would need to be fixed. It was noted that water is no longer being used from Well 1. The water system Consumer Confidence Report will be provided to all homeowners in June.

Pump house pump and electrical system upgrades are in the works for later this year. More efficient pumps, an automatic start propane powered generator, and new electrical wiring will ensure water is available during power outages and that the system will conform to safety requirements. The board and Water and Wastewater Systems, our water operations contractor will continue to monitor for leaks and usage. There are no current plans to replace waterlines. Homeowners were reminded to conserve water as a matter of course, especially if we ever get a summer. M/S/P to approve the Water Report.

Old Business: Various issues were set forth by members in attendance as follows:

  1. Homeowners are reminded that the ditches along the road are not to be used as a place to dispose of yard waste. Please remind your contractors not to dispose of yard waste in ditches as well.
  2. Burning is not allowed in burn barrels and only natural materials and untreated wood may be burned in small fires. No paper or garbage may be burned.
  3. There was a suggestion that RPCC should look into the requirement for regular septic system inspections to determine if it might be economical for RPCC contract for septic inspections allowing for a quantity discount for homeowners. A decision on this matter will be made when the County finally sorts out the requirements and offers training. It is still very much up in the air at this time.
  4. Vic Henry encouraged members to attend fire department Community Emergency Response Team training and the Skywarn class. More information is available from Island County Emergency Management.
  5. Thanks to board members were offered by attendees.

Audit Committee: The Audit committee presented their report which stated that "The financial affairs of the club are being managed responsibly and accurately. " "The records are maintained in an organized manner and are readily available."

Nominating Committee: Vic Henry was nominated to the PRCC board and Lenny Franzese and Eddie Black were nominated for a new two year term. Their terms will expire at the annual meeting in May 2010. M/S/P elect the nominated board members. (The terms of board Members Larry Foss, Tom Williamson, Steve Hughes and Chuck Schufreider will expire in May 2009. It was noted that there is still one open board position. Anyone interested should contact the board via e-mail, phone or in person. The Board meets at 7:00 PM on the fourth Tuesday of each month at the shed behind the pump house on Sunset. All members are invited to attend.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.

Respectfully submitted,

Chuck Schufreider, Secretary

Rocky Point Community Club
Board Of Directors Meeting
May 3, 2008

Attendees: Eddie Black, Steve Hughes, Larry Foss, Lenny Franzese, Vic Henry, and Chuck Schufreider.

Absent: Tom Williamson

The meeting was called to order at 11:25 AM. M/S/P to elect the following as officers of RPCC.
Eddie Black
Vic Henry
Larry Foss
Chuck Schufreider
Tom Williamson
Steve Hughes
Lenny Franzese
Vice President
Beach Chairman
Construction Chairman
Water Chairman
Landscape Chairman


The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Chuck Schufreider, Secretary

Rocky Point Community Club